19 research outputs found

    A new plea for time: The significance of museum exhibitions in today’s media landscape

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    Gennem anvendelse af Harold Innis’ begreber time-bias og space-bias undersøger denne artikel betydningen af museumsudstillinger i medielandskabet. Der argumenteres ud fra et medieøkologisk perspektiv for at udstilling bør betragtes som et time-biased medie i et udpræget space-biased samfund. Eftersom museer i højere og højere grad vender sig imod det spatiale, bliver balance et centralt tema. Denne artikel diskuterer også rollen af såkaldt virtuelle udstillinger og konkluderer afslutningsvist, at det er vigtigt at øge opmærksomheden omkring – og forståelsen af – udstillingsmediet, samt at museer bør overveje deres rolle som medieskabere.Based on Harold Innis’ concepts of time-bias and space-bias this article examines the significance of museum exhibitions in the media landscape. From a media ecology perspective, it is argued that the exhibition should be seen as a time-biased medium in a highly space-biased society. Since museums are increasingly turning towards space, balance becomes a central issue. The article also discusses the role of so-called virtual exhibitions and ultimately concludes that increased awareness and appreciation of the exhibition medium is important and that museums should consider their role as media makers

    A new plea for time: The significance of museum exhibitions in today’s media landscape

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    Gennem anvendelse af Harold Innis’ begreber time-bias og space-bias undersøger denne artikel betydningen af museumsudstillinger i medielandskabet. Der argumenteres ud fra et medieøkologisk perspektiv for at udstilling bør betragtes som et time-biased medie i et udpræget space-biased samfund. Eftersom museer i højere og højere grad vender sig imod det spatiale, bliver balance et centralt tema. Denne artikel diskuterer også rollen af såkaldt virtuelle udstillinger og konkluderer afslutningsvist, at det er vigtigt at øge opmærksomheden omkring – og forståelsen af – udstillingsmediet, samt at museer bør overveje deres rolle som medieskabere.Based on Harold Innis’ concepts of time-bias and space-bias this article examines the significance of museum exhibitions in the media landscape. From a media ecology perspective, it is argued that the exhibition should be seen as a time-biased medium in a highly space-biased society. Since museums are increasingly turning towards space, balance becomes a central issue. The article also discusses the role of so-called virtual exhibitions and ultimately concludes that increased awareness and appreciation of the exhibition medium is important and that museums should consider their role as media makers

    Embodied Tuning: Interfacing Danish Radio Heritage

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    Most museum exhibitions favor vision, not hearing. When there is audio in exhibitions, it tends to take on a secondary role as a soundtrack or commentary. In some cases, however, audio should be the primary object of interest. Radio heritage is such a case. The traditional way of showcasing audio is through webaccessible archives or through listening kiosks in the exhibition. Neither one takes advantage of the unique affordances of the spatiality and physicality of an exhibition. We therefore propose an alternative way of exhibiting radio heritage in a listening exhibition where users move around and explore the physical gallery space. We implemented a simple, low-cost prototype system called Exaudimus, allowing users to search for the audio streams using their own bodies as a metaphorical radio-tuning dial. We tested the concept in a public exhibition at the Media Museum in Denmark. A small, qualitative user study conducted during the exhibition shows promise for this type of immersive experience. The users, however, tended to perceive it as

    A new plea for time: The significance of museum exhibitions in today’s media landscape

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    Gennem anvendelse af Harold Innis’ begreber time-bias og space-bias undersøger denne artikel betydningen af museumsudstillinger i medielandskabet. Der argumenteres ud fra et medieøkologisk perspektiv for at udstilling bør betragtes som et time-biased medie i et udpræget space-biased samfund. Eftersom museer i højere og højere grad vender sig imod det spatiale, bliver balance et centralt tema. Denne artikel diskuterer også rollen af såkaldt virtuelle udstillinger og konkluderer afslutningsvist, at det er vigtigt at øge opmærksomheden omkring – og forståelsen af – udstillingsmediet, samt at museer bør overveje deres rolle som medieskabere.Based on Harold Innis’ concepts of time-bias and space-bias this article examines the significance of museum exhibitions in the media landscape. From a media ecology perspective, it is argued that the exhibition should be seen as a time-biased medium in a highly space-biased society. Since museums are increasingly turning towards space, balance becomes a central issue. The article also discusses the role of so-called virtual exhibitions and ultimately concludes that increased awareness and appreciation of the exhibition medium is important and that museums should consider their role as media makers

    Medier pĂĄ museum

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    Media play three distinct roles in museum communication. First, media are found at the physical museum as tools for communication. Examples include labels, screens and audioguides. Second, media are used by museums for communication outside the physical museum such as online on social networking sites. Third, media are sometimes exhibited as objects in their own right. In this article these three relationships between museums and media are explored. In some cases, media are drivers of creating a museum experience. In other cases, the museum creates the experience of media as objects of cultural significance